Are Your New Business Programs Invisible?
How do your future clients find you… or not? Here are 28 rather basic questions you should be asking yourself — often:
- Are you on page one of a logical Google search? For example: “advertising agency Seattle” or “pinterest expert social media agency or “ping pong app developer”?
- Are you working really hard at managing your website’s SEO program?
- Ever buy a Google ad? Know about this guy and his Google Job Experiment? Why not copy his idea?
- How often do you blog post? Are some posts +1,000 words?
- Are your blog posts targeted to the clients you want? Or, the Creative Director at 72andSunny?
- Do you have an editorial calendar (and clear objectives?)
- Ever guest blog to grow agency awareness? I do.
- Do you practice serious thought-leadership?
- Do you repurpose your content across all of your social media channels?
- Is your LinkedIn corporate page updated on a regular basis?
- How frequently do you use LinkedIn’s very targetable sponsored updates or ads?
- How often do you Tweet?
- What do you Tweet about? Will your future clients ever see these?
- Do you use Twitter’s advertising tools to reach your prospects? You know that you can target your competitor’s Followers, right?
- Ever consider the strategic power of visual social media like Instagram or Pinterest?
- Do you have an agency YouTube video channel? Do you optimize it?
- Do you have enlightened agency informational videos or just examples of your work?
- If you use Facebook for your B2B marketing, do you know why?
- Do you use smart social media tools like this list of 61 from Buffer.
- Do you actively reach out to your prospects on a regular basis? Example: do you have a monthly agency newsletter that is aimed at your most wanted clients or categories?
- What do you learn (at least every week) from your Google analytics?
- An easy one. Is your website responsive?
- Ever run a webinar?
- Do you speak at client (no, not agency) events and conferences?
- Ever run your own micro-super-well-targeted event?
- Can your CEO talk intelligently about social media?
- Do you read smart industry blogs like this library from Hubspot?
- Are you in this advertising agency directory?
Do you subscribe to this blog?
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