I love Twitter Tools
Check out the Twitter tool SocialBro (and, don’t thank me for naming this company). Here is what they say about themselves:
SocialBro’s advanced solutions for Twitter marketing are built around what you need. From Enterprise scale organisations coordinating multi channel strategies across multiple teams to individual influencers building a personal brand, our clever tools work with your preferred Twitter client (e.g. Hootsuite or Tweetdeck) to help you achieve your goals on Twitter.
Here is just one of the detailed traffic reports I get from them about my Twitter account. Now, make sure you think about the following detail about me when you look at these numbers:
I post on west coast time. Therefore, my east coast audience is getting up earlier than me.
When see what my Followers talk about in their feeds, consider that I write about advertising, social media and marketing. I am not so sure about the “love” thing.
My audience works 24/7 across the globe. I don’t have best days or seriously best times.
For more, many more, insights on SocialBro, head over to Razor Social. If you haven’t been to this fab website… Go there!
Want More Twitter Tools?
Here is a link to my post about 11 must have social media tools for advertising agency business development — and agency clients.
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