Insight: Your B2B New Business Prospects Know You (Well)
There are very few first dates these days when it comes to B2B marketing and advertising agency new business. Your clients are finding you on your website and social media, especially LinkedIn, where they are perusing your profile. And, they are making buying decisions without you ever knowing that they are looking.
It is imperative that you manage this process. You have to be proactive and start selling way ahead of getting a phone call. This is a call that you won’t get if you don’t work hard at that pre-sale. One thing I often tell my agency clients is get that video of the agency people and your services up on your site right now. My video is right here.
Looking and sounding like every advertising agency in your consideration set will not get you considered.
Here is a smart infographic from Systems Group that details some of the shifts in the sales cycle that we are living with:
- 82% of Online Buyers are now reachable via social media
- 72% of Marketers report increased sales from social media
- 75% of B2B buyers stated that social media would influence future purchases
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