Yikes, What Is Tactile Brand Marketing? And What’s In It For My Advertising Agency? Hmm… Maybe It’s Making Sure You Are Unignorable.
One of my core marketing mantras is that advertising agencies need to become unignorable. Unignorable means not being ignored. This sounds obvious but most advertising agency marketing is, unfortunately, ignorable. One, one, of the many ideas that I share with my advertising agency clients, is the idea of using tactile brand marketing. Well, I usually call it direct marketing (just like in the old days when you got something in the mail — paper-based mail that is).
In fact, I just got off a call with a Northeast agency where I pointed to one of my favorite paper-based tactile brand marketing tools — The UK Newspaper Club. Hey, I have written about the value of what the Newspaper Club offers in this blog post – Really, An Advertising Agency Newspaper? Peter, You Must Be Kidding.
And Then Just Like That, I Got A Well-Done Lead Gen Email From PFL About, Yup, Tactile Brand Marketing.
It is worth reading the email below because it does a really good job of selling in the PFL pitch story. The email is short (thank you!!), concise, and drives you to a 1-minute sales video. A video that actually sells. Here is the email. And, go ahead and watch the video – and consider adding a tactile approach to your marketing. Think direct mail – like a zine, newspaper, or box – and how it breaks through the clutter of digital marketing. And, then do that fast & sweet & effective sales video.
Oh, before I show you the email and the video – maybe you want more ideas about becoming unignorable? You should. And, you should contact me. The Don did…
Ok, ta-da, the email…