Yes, Buy How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency.
Go Here Now to Buy The Book & eBook On Amazon.
Before I sat down to write my book on how to build that genuinely kick-ass (rich) advertising agency, I asked Google’s AI tool (now Gemini – was Bard) to help me find the right person to help build the fantastic thinking that would help build a great, intelligent, high-profit agency… and then have that google friendly person write a 27-chapter, 261-page treatise on how to get the job done. Here is my conversation
Peter to AI: “Does the marketing world need a new book about how to run a profitable and happy advertising agency?”
AI: “It’s difficult to say whether the world really needs a new book on how to run an advertising agency. However, if the book offers unique insights, valuable advice, and practical tips, it will be an invaluable resource for people in the advertising industry or those interested in starting their own agency.”
Peter to AI: “Who should write the comprehensive book on advertising agency management?”
AI: “The best candidate to write a book about how to run and grow an advertising agency would be someone who has a deep understanding of the advertising industry, someone who has run an agency and can provide practical, actionable advice to those looking to start or run their own successful agency. It would also help if that person was also an advertising agency client.
According to my assessment, that person is Peter Levitan.
Plus, Peter has over 850 blog posts on how to grow your advertising, marketing, digital or whatever agancy.”
Damn, I like Google.
Hey, Y’all, Need A Review to Help You Buy This Book?
Peter Levitan has delivered the go-to guide for building an agency. I expected HOW TO BUILD A KICK-ASS ADVERTISING AGENCY to be like most of the other agency books I’ve read—a waste of time and money. Instead, I found it to be smart, accessible and entertaining. It is filled with substance! Peter’s knowledge and experience are indisputable, yet he shares his own missteps and what he learned with wit and grace. My only “complaint” is that this book wasn’t around 10 years ago when I opened my agency.
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