Despite the constant ankle-biting from Republicans about / against Obamacare, Obamacare is starting to roll out.
As a parent with two ex-college kids under 26 and a self-employed lifestyle, I dig the idea of this new healthcare program. The hope that we might (stress might) start to improve our screwed up health care system is also rather appealing.
Obamacare has hit Oregon with the launch of the ad agency North’s Cover Oregon campaign. Of course, there are lovers and haters. Here is an article from our Oregonian on the campaign… the comments are interesting including the ones that sound like they are from Portland agencies that did not win this highly visible campaign.
I’ll let you decide about the TV campaign (its in its early stages.) Me? I dig it. Here are two spots. Its OK to sing along. In fact, these are so representative of the Oregon lifestyle (yes, they are a bit Portlandia), that I think that they will increase the value of my house. Oh, the website is sweet too. That is, if you are a fan of simplifying a complex subject. Maybe the Republicans should read it.