Easy Advertising Online Legal Resources
Lawyers cost money. Yes, this is way true. And, advertising agencies need lawyers. But, before you make that $300+ call, here are some websites to head to before you start down the per hour rat hole.
Agency Legal Protection. Sharon Toerek answers important legal questions like this: “What should we do to protect the agency during a new business pitch?”
Cornell University’s Library. Dig databases? You’ve arrived at a long list of legal databases by subject..
Legalzoom. From wills (get one!!!) through incorporation (for your new agency). Legalzoom is the leader in online legal docs. They are an ex-client of my agency and I have been using then for years. Know what, way back when, they were a great client and they loved to eat well in L.A.
Docracy. Open source legal documents.
Docusign. Legal online signatures. No more inky hands.
Find Law UK. Employee rights for UK workers.
4A’s On Compensation Agreements. Read this before you marry that new client. Consider this prenup advice.
Right Law. Employee rights explained. Yes, you have rights.
Shake. Quickly create, sign and send legally binding agreements.
More & More Online Resources
Just one more element of my Big Advertising Agency Resource List. Let me know if I am missing anything.
More and more is coming. Stay tuned.
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