After Advertising
I am often asked by advertising agency people… what do people do after they leave advertising (or at least, a stay-put advertising job)? Well, to be more specific, what have I done after advertising as in, since I sold my Portland agency six years ago?
I live in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (built a house/60% cost of living/travel all over/work from anywhere)
I work with advertising agencies around the world on helping them build lead generating business development programs
I am on a global quest to photograph the world’s people (starting here with this 210 portrait series)
Some days I just hang out and I constantly try to satisfy my curious mind.
One way I satisfy my curiosity is to stay in long-distance touch (usually by newsletter) with Faris Yakob…. brand strategist (I guess that is one description) who I interviewed for my book on pitching. Here is the interview. By the way, buy the book and win more business so you can get out of your office.
Genius Steals
Faris can show you a way out of the cube, open office or if you’ve been lucky, an office with a couch.
To get going, I suggest that you sign up for Faris and his wife Rosie’s newsletter and visit their website. Why?
They are very smart and you will learn stuff that should make you a better marketer. From the sign-up page… “Put together by husband and wife creative duo Faris and Rosie Yakob, this weekly email is a source of interesting and fun links from around the web on a variety of topics. The content is expertly curated, and if you can’t find something inspiring in each edition, it will at least make you a more interesting dinner date.”
But, but, there’s more. Faris and Rosie live a nomadic lifestyle. As they say…
“We used to live and work in NYC where we had fancy titles and bars in our offices. It was rad. Mostly. Except there were so. many. meetings. When Faris sold his share in a digital agency he started, he proposed that we quit our jobs and travel the world for 6 months, to take a break, to explore. We both really loved traveling, and the stars aligned, and so we’ve been traveling ever since.”
Read more about them here at Technomadix. Start to plan on how to… get out of advertising. The time will come.