The LONDON Advertising Case Study
I’ve written a couple of blog posts about the LONDON Advertising self-run and crafted advertising campaign. I’ll put those links below.
My bottom line is that in the cutthroat world of advertising and digital agency business development, a critical goal should be to want to stand out. To be what I call Unignorable. These guys are Unignorable. And famous.
But, before looking at my prior posts, here is the video case study. Yes, that is me inside.
Strange, But True. An Advertising Agency Actually Likes Advertising
The LONDON program is an “interesting” story because, well, most advertising agencies do not advertise themselves. Why? Well, first many advertising and digital agencies do not have a well-crafted business development program (beyond WOM and referrals). Second, I’ll guess here, they might not actually think that “traditional” advertising works. Hey, I’m just guessing here.
Here is what I do know… advertising does work; even after 30 years of the growth of digital marketing, The good old fashioned TV commercial and out-of-home ad/poster/now digital still grab attention and sell. I can say this because I have done it all. And, I admit it. I started to invent digital advertising in 1995.
Earlier LONDON Advertising Blog Posts
Is Your Advertising Agency Famous And Unignorable
Does Your Advertising Agency Advertise Itself?