I admit it. I am a bit buzzed. The Formula 1 season just started its first race in sunny Melbourne (it will be crazy and unpredictable this year, by the way.) I had a glass or two of Malbec and then I saw these numbers that show the shift from desktop to mobile advertising from the nice folks at eMarketer. These numbers are dramatic:
Overall desktop ad spending is set to decline in 2014 while mobile grows 83.0%. Not surprising. You knew what is going on, right?
So, why should I be jumping on the desktop to mobile bandwagon? Why? Because advertising agencies, primarily the medium to small, have not yet figured out how to leverage this shift. Well, folks, it is time. Your advertising business plan better take into account what is happening.
Here are my three primary take aways that I think advertising agencies (and digital shops as well. OK, video production companies too) need to incorporate into their business plan…
- Video is way hot and WE know how to do this.
- Video is hot.
- Mobile is the future.
Now, you’d think that a lot of agencies are putting “We know mobile” on their home pages. They are not. Which means they don’t get it yet and that is good for you. Need a crash course in mobile marketing? If you live in Portland go to Mobile Portland events. If not, find your local mobile developer community and make friends.