Did I Say Watch #likeAGirl ?
I originally wrote this blog post about ‘girls’ and the #likeAGirl advertising campaign in 2014. One of my earlier blog posts.
I now have a one-year-old granddaughter and this smart, insightful commercial is even more important to me. And, you if you have a girl OR boy kid; are an uncle or aunt, a grandparent, a neighbor…
This powerful, important “advertising” is wonderful to watch. But, even better, it does wonderful things. In this case, P&G’s Always slam dunks with a video about being a girl. Take a look at the response at #likeagirl
From Brand Republic’s Viral Chart:
“The Always ad, “like a girl” by Leo Burnett, aims to empower young girls and rewrite the rules of negative connotations associated with being a girl. It has been shared 536,519 times in the last seven days.”
That was in 2014. Please add to today’s viewership and share the video out in the world.
From Always:
Using #LikeAGirl as an insult is a hard knock against any adolescent girl. And since the rest of puberty’s really no picnic either, it’s easy to see what a huge impact it can have on a girl’s self-confidence. Always wanted to show that doing things #LikeAGirl is amazing!
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