The savvy Rebecca Armstrong, Principle and Managing Director of Portland’s ad agency North, recently wrote the following to me about her perspective on new business. About creating a holistic approach. About creating the total package. About the realization that it takes a plan. I agree.
New business for me is a very holistic package of having an excellent creative and strategic reputation, having a strong, singular and differentiating POV, having vocal advocates in your existing client base, having kick-ass PR counsel, growing a culture of new business in the organization, chasing culturally-aligned clients yadda yadda. And then there’s the pitch, which is an art in itself.
It also requires…
Attention, Interest, Decision, Action
As Alec Baldwin said, “ABC. Always be closing.” Its called sales pressure. This may sound a bit intense. But, isn’t employing some form of ABC, maybe your own way of ABCing it, what it all comes down to? In the case of advertising agencies, I suggest keeping the new business machine working 24/7. Something we can do given our digital and social tools.
Full disclosure: I am not advocating a full-on old-fashioned way of doing that thing that puts fear into the hearts of advertising agencies — SALES. I am simply pointing out, by showing you one of your favorite movie scenes, that only employing passive business development efforts won’t work. You will need to find your own special sweet spot between doing nothing, building that holistic program and acting like Alec Baldwin.
So… for some of my very own ABC, think David Mamet or, in my case, Mario Puzo. Just call me. Think Corleone.