Must Use Google Marketing Tools For Your Advertising Agency
I love free. I love it when you can head over to a list of free Google marketing tools that will help you market your advertising agency. These tools and dozens more can be seen and loved on my Big Advertising Agency Resources List page.
Google Marketing Tools To Help Build Agency Insights
Google Scholar: Want to look smart? Google Scholar searches through thousands of research-oriented articles and emerging studies. It aims your search at articles, new ideas, books, abstracts, and court opinions. Results are from academics, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other websites.
Google Trends. Chances are good that you are aware of Google Trends. This is a powerful tool to help you know what is hot and what is not in Google’s search universe. It is also a great tool to help you find the right (hot) subjects for your next blog post.
Google Alerts. Stay ahead of your client, a prospective client (as in category, brand, and people), and industry news by creating a list of Google Alerts. Frankly, this should be a primary business development tool. You want XYZ account, right. Then create an alert for any XYZ news.
Google Marketing Tools To Help Your Agency Improve Its Business Development Programs & Platforms
Google Online Marketing. Learn from the leader.
Google PageSpeed Insights. Do you know how fast your website download speed is and how its performance ranks against your competitive agencies? Here’s the drill. If your site takes too long to download, it will lose some traffic.
Google Analytics. You want to track your website right?
Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. Here’s another very important test. If you are like me, over 20% of your website visitors are looking at y’all on a mobile device then you better make sure that they are digging how fast your website loads.
Free Google Marketing Tools For Advertising Itself
Advertising works. While your agency has a bunch of advertising options, clearly Google Ads should be considered. Usually, agencies will by relevant keywords like: “Dallas advertising agency” or “medical marketing ad agency”… but, there are some other options like buying an ad on “Trudy Hardy” — go ahead and see what I mean.
Google Ads. Yes, your advertising agency can run ads for itself.
The Peter Levitan Story. A very helpful blog. If I do say so myself.