Account-Based Marketing Anti-Failure
I help my advertising and marketing agency clients build effective ABM – Account-Based Marketing programs. I’ve seen some failures over the years and want to share my thoughts on failure over the next few newsletters. Here is a quick list:
- You cannot build your best prospect list because you haven’t accessed the right information and data. As a result, your target list is too broad and undefined.
- You do not personalize your outreach content.
- Your marketing and sales teams are not aligned.
- You do not give your ABM programs the time to become effective. This isn’t usually an overnight/one-time hit tactic. As in, your sales cycles might be too short for pure ABM, and worse you are way too impatient.
- You do not have an efficient, smart, hard-to-resist thought leadership program. Plus, you might not be sending unignorable content out into the world. Be not boring.
- You haven’t allocated the right budget for your Account-Based Marketing efforts. There are staff, design, and marketing costs. Plan well.
ABM works if you have a solid plan. Full stop.
More ABM Insights
I will riff on these fails. soon.
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