Podcast Statistics To Help You Decide To Podcast Or Not.
Hi. This is Sara. Peter’s AI personal assistant. He is taking a one day break from his personal interviews with super special marketers. There will be a new episode Wednesday. Today, because this is the kind of direct information I am designed to deliver, we are going to talk about podcast statistics. The monthly growth in new podcasts is phenomenal.
Peter wanted to share some information that he got from the very informative daily website and email Podnews “Your daily briefing for podcasting”. It is one of his daily must-reads via the website and emails. I’ll connect you to Podnews and its author James Cridland below. Podnews is where we get our news and importantly, podcast statistics.
Peter has been podcasting on (and then off) and now again since 2016. He knows that making the decision to podcast is not easy and he as written about the decision making criteria. Take a read. But, first, here are some podcast stats just for you from James that should either make you want to podcast or not.
317,219 podcasts have posted new episodes in the last 30 days resulting in 1,919,392 episodes being published. A side note, by far, most podcast shows are published by big publishers like NPR. Not the nice people across town.
Does length matter? James says that in 2018 he learned that 50% of Americans say that podcasts are too long. The average length of a podcast is 31 minutes. This informative puppy is 2:55. Peter averages at around 30 minutes.
Nothing, it seems, is forever. Do you know about what’s called pod fade? In August 2018, the podcast hosting company Blubrry claimed that 75% of all podcasts had pod faded. Gone. Poof. People just get tired of recording every week or so. The way to beat this is to use pace and a process. Have a plan.
That’s it. Oh, to help you, I will put a link to a great podcast interview Peter did with a podcast leader who said that podcasting is a smart marketing move. A great move if you know how to grow and market your podcast. Marketing is a good thing.
Podnews – Go ahead and subscribe.
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