A picture is worth… well, you know the rest. We are inundated these days. Yes, I am an abuser and am doing so right here in this post for good reason.
Visualize.me Adds Colors and Charts To Resumes For Personal Branding
Vizualize.me is a new web-based tool that easily creates a graphical resume by pulling data from your LinkedIn profile. Its kind of cool and helps add a bit of style and infographic (infographics are hot these days) power to your resume facts. I’m not sure that its a stand-alone tool but it can do a good job of adding additional support to your LinkedIn page and standard resume. Which also brings up the idea that resumes alone ain’t what they used to be. Any reason not to do a personal video? More on personal branding coming up in future posts.
Oh, here is my visual.me/peterlevitan page.
Boomers Are Not Internet Slaves
eMarketer reports that adults 50-64 use the internet significantly less that the 18-29 and 30-49 age groups. I am not surprised. I think (know) that we use the Internet more for its utility than as pure entertainment. For example, eMarketer points out that 55-64 year old’s use email as much as the younger demographics. Here is what eMarketer says:
“Email is a prime example. Boomers are about as likely as younger internet users to use email. And in this instance, boomers don’t fall behind younger cohorts in frequency of usage. In February 2012 Pew polling, six in 10 boomers reported using email “yesterday,” essentially matching the 30-to-49 and 18-to-29 age groups.”