How To Build A Smart Zoom Presentation
OK, it’s 12 or so months in Covidlandia and we have all been to many a Zoom presentation in the 1:1 and group space. How many of these virtual presentations would you say could be called a ‘smart Zoom presentation’? I’ll optimistically say 60%.
Now, if that 60% figure relates to a Zoom sales presentation for your company’s business development program, then you are kinda screwed. A 60% success rate (or more painfully, a 40% failure rate) for important sales presentations should not ever cut it.
The Virtual Sales Presentation – Presentation
I built this smart Zoom presentation for one of my advertising agency clients that was dwelling in the lower 40% and we knew we needed to rectify their Zoom situation – fast. So, here is my audio and visual The Virtual Sales Presentation. I use 18 minutes to discuss the art and science of how to build a smart Zoom presentation that captures the viewer’s attention; keeps them focussed (not easy); help you to manage your virtual agency branding; learn how an agency won a dating app client in Zoomlandia and also gets into how the brain works in the Zoom presentation environment. As you might suspect, it isn’t just like meeting face-to-face in a conference room.
More Smart Virtual Sales Presentation Tips
I spent a bit of time reviewing virtual sales presentation best practices to create this presentation. I also did a four-part Advertising Stories podcast series where I interviewed virtual experts, including the most famous advertising agency search consultant, the agency that won a major dating app virtual pitch, a leading branding and design agency, and a rather serious French neuroscientist.
Yes, this stuff is about the brain on Zoom.