A picture is worth… well, you know the rest. We are inundated these days. Yes, I am an abuser and am doing so right here in this post for good reason.
You Are Never, Ever Going to Retire
OK, “never” might be too strong. But, not by much according to a new AARP study:
72 percent of non-retired boomers believe they will probably be forced to delay retirement, and 50 percent have little confidence that they will ever be able to retire.
65 percent have little confidence that they will have the means to live comfortably in retirement.
Clearly these finding belie the standard image of happy Baby Boomers that are safe and secure in their third stage of life. (That’s why I wrote my book.)
From the AARP website:
“The poll results show that “people in this age group are facing a difficult transition, and they’re worried about whether they can do it,” says Jacquelyn James of the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College. “Most people had planned for a three-legged stool that would give them a happy, healthy retirement: a pension, their own savings and Social Security and Medicare.
“But over the past 15 years, pensions have been disappearing, and their investments have been hit hard by the downturn. Now, they’re worrying that politicians are not going to continue to support the entitlement programs. That’s why some are feeling that they need to add a fourth leg to the stool: continuing to work.”
No Tubes Please. IT’S DNR For Me. Yes, This Is My Arm.
I’ve been thinking about getting my first tattoo for over a year. My book has a chapter on what everyone should have (advance directives, DNR, will, some savings cause Social Security isn’t going to cut it, etc.) I thought, hey, why not get inked. Plus, I live in Portland one of the most tatted cities in the country.
“Boomercide: From Woodstock to Suicide” Buy This Thought Provoking Book On Amazon
When I started to write my book “Boomercide: From Woodstock To Suicide” I thought that I might be the only Baby Boomer contemplating suicide as a life planning tool. It appears that I am not alone.
“Boomercide: From Woodstock To Suicide” is now available on –> Amazon.
Visualize.me Adds Colors and Charts To Resumes For Personal Branding
Vizualize.me is a new web-based tool that easily creates a graphical resume by pulling data from your LinkedIn profile. Its kind of cool and helps add a bit of style and infographic (infographics are hot these days) power to your resume facts. I’m not sure that its a stand-alone tool but it can do a good job of adding additional support to your LinkedIn page and standard resume. Which also brings up the idea that resumes alone ain’t what they used to be. Any reason not to do a personal video? More on personal branding coming up in future posts.
Oh, here is my visual.me/peterlevitan page.